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Push Press
AKA Power Press

The push press is an effective supplementary exercise for the jerk that trains the same dip and drive, timing of the transition from leg drive to push with the arms, upper body mechanics for the push under the jerk, and builds upper body strength.
Stand with the heels approximately hip-width and the toes turned out, with the weight balanced slightly more toward the heels but the full foot in contact with the floor, and the bar in the jerk rack position—between the throat and highest point of the shoulders; shoulders protracted and slightly elevated; hands as deep under the bar as possible; grip relaxed; elbows down but in front of the bar and out to the sides.
Dip by bending at the knees only with the trunk vertical and maintaining your balance to a depth of approximately 10% of your height. Brake as quickly as possible in the bottom and drive straight back up aggressively with the legs to accelerate the barbell upward maximally.
As you finish the extension of the legs, push the bar up and slightly back with the arms to preserve as much bar speed as possible, pulling your head back to clear a path. Drop back to flat feet but keep the legs tight with knees straight as you finish pushing the bar into a locked out position overhead with the head pushed through the arms again to position the bar over the base of the neck. Lock out and hold forcefully for a moment before lowering the bar for subsequent reps—don’t be lazy and bounce right back out of the top.
The dip and drive of the push press should be identical to your jerk—this is one of the primary reasons it’s such an effective training exercise for the jerk. If the knees rebend at all after the initial dip and drive, the lift is no longer a push press, but a push jerk. If the feet remain totally flat during the drive of the legs, the drive is not hard or long enough—the heels will rise at least slightly even with the heaviest weights if the leg drive is adequate. Each rep of multiple-rep sets should begin from a dead stop and the full jerk rack position.
The push press is an effective supplementary exercise for the jerk that trains the same dip and drive, timing of the transition from leg drive to push with the arms, upper body mechanics for the push under the jerk, and builds upper body strength. It’s useful technically for training a harder and longer leg drive ad proper timing of the transition from legs to arms in the jerk.
Sets of 1-6 reps can be used depending on the timing and the specific need. 4-6 reps will help more with hypertrophy and some strength; 3-5 reps will be generally the most effective for strength work and some hypertrophy; 1-2 reps will usually be used for testing maximum lifts but will also improve strength.
The push press can be performed from behind the neck and with a pause in the dip.

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