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Power Clean On Riser
AKA Deficit power clean

The power clean on riser is simply a power clean performed while standing on an elevated platform.
Set the clean starting position tightly—it should be the same as from the floor, but with more knee and hip flexion. In other words, the same position but deeper—don’t simply hinge more at the hips.
Push with the legs through the whole foot against the floor similarly to a squat, and maintain approximately the same back angle until the bar is past the knees. The tendency on a riser will be to start in or quickly shift to a higher-hip position, which both defeats the purpose of the exercise and creates new problems.
Complete the power clean as you would otherwise.
Riser heights do not need to be and should not be very high—3 inches is generally as high as you ever need to go. Too high, and it’s impossible to establish proper back extension in the starting position, which largely defeats the purpose.
The power clean on riser strengthens the pull of the clean and emphasizes strength and position in the initial pull from the floor and the ability to maintain proper posture with heavy weights. It can also help lifters finish the pull of the clean better.
Generally the power clean on riser can be programmed as you would power cleans from the floor, but with the expectation that weights will be 5-15% lighter depending on experience. They can be used as a lighter clean exercise to focus on technique between heavier days, or before cleans or power cleans from the floor as a primer to improve pulling posture. Use sets of 1-3 reps, and never exceed loading that allows proper positioning.
The power clean on riser can be with one or more pauses on the way up, with slow concentrics in the lower range to emphasize control over posture and balance, with a static or dynamic start, and many other possibilities.

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