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Slow-Pull Power Clean

The slow-pull power clean is simply a power clean in which the first pull is slowed significantly.
Set the clean starting position tightly and push with the legs through the whole foot against the floor similarly to a squat. Move slowly from the floor to approximately mid-thigh—anywhere from 3-5 seconds. Maintain even balance over the whole foot and actively keep the bar as close to the legs as possible, and maintain approximately the same back angle until the bar is past the knees.
Once you’ve reached mid-thigh, accelerate to full speed and complete a power clean as you would otherwise.
The slow-pull power clean is used to focus on improving balance, position and postural control in the first pull, and timing of the transition into the second pull of the clean. The slow movement allows the lifter to recognize and correct for errors, and the greater time in these positions further strengthens them. 
Generally the slow-pull power clean should be done for 1-3 reps per set anywhere from 60%-80% of the lifter’s best power clean. Loading will be considerably limited relative to a normal clean, although the gap will diminish over time with consistent training. In any case, the weight should not exceed what the lifter can do with proper positioning and technique.
The slow-pull power clean can be performed on a riser, without lifting the feet, with one or more pauses on the way up, with a static or dynamic start, and many other possibilities.

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