Punch up into the Snatch Turnover

One of the most important elements of the snatch turnover to understand is that the motion is finalized with a vertical push up into the bar—it is not a swing or just a continued horizontal pull back into position
The goal is to maintain maximal proximity of the bar and body and finalize the lift with the opposing vertical forces of the bar pushing you straight down into the squat and you pushing the bar straight up into the overhead position. This eliminates the horizontal forces that disrupt stability.
The turnover begins with an active pull of the arms to accelerate the body downward and preserve more of the bar’s upward speed, then transitions into a rotation of the arms to move the body from above to below the bar, then finishes with an aggressive vertical punch straight up into the bar.
Practice the motion with drop snatches to feel a forceful, vertical punch into the correct overhead position, muscle snatches to practice the complete motion with a more controlled speed, and tall snatches to practice the complete motion with maximal aggression and speed.

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