Press In Snatch Mobility Progression

The press in snatch (AKA Sots press) can be a useful tool for developing and maintaining mobility for the Olympic lifts, as well as diagnosing the locations of mobility restrictions.

• Standing
• Box above parallel squat - vertical trunk, then leaning forward
• Box below parallel squat - vertical trunk, then leaning forward
• Squat with elevated heels
• Squat

If you’re very restricted, begin from overhead each rep and progress to starting the reps from the bottom.

Squeeze the upper inside edges of the shoulder blades together to set upper back and aggressively maintain this position throughout the movement.

Presses must be smooth from start to finish with no grinding, pain, abrupt jerking to get the bar started, or bouncing off the shoulders to change direction.

Control all the way back down onto the shoulders - never allow the bar to crash down. Don’t progress to the next step until you can control the entire ROM.

Once you can smoothly press under control through the full ROM, you can begin to incrementally narrow your grip.

Don’t add weight until you’ve achieved adequate mobility, stability and control with a snatch grip press starting at the bottom.

Diagnosis of Restrictions:

If you can press on a high box with a slight forward lean but not in a squat, the restriction is in your lower body, not your upper body.

If you can press in a squat with the heels elevated but not flat-footed, the restriction is at least primarily in the ankles, not the hips.

If you can’t press standing with a vertical trunk, the restriction is in your upper body. If you can overhead squat well but not press behind the neck, your lower body mobility is adequate but your upper back and possibly shoulder mobility is restricted.

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