Simply Complex
Training Programs  >  Simply Complex

Simply Complex

12 weeks   |   $29   |   Web, Text, Excel

This cycle peaks for competition or testing snatch and clean & jerk at the end of week 12.

The first 8 weeks use complexes in lift variations, pulls and squats to build strength and technique to support bigger competition lifts. The final 4 weeks is focused on preparing for maximal snatch and clean & jerk and relies on the competition lifts and power variation singles.

See the 3-day/week version on TrainHeroic here
Volume: Moderate
Intensity: Moderate
Good For:
  • Competition prep
  • Strengthening pulling and squatting posture

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (knee) + Overhead Squat (% of PS) – 75% x 2+1+1 x 5
  • Halting Snatch Deadlift (upper thigh) + Snatch Pull + Snatch Pull from Power Position – 90% x 2+2+3 x 4
  • Pause Back Squat + Back Squat – 70% x 2+3 x 4
3 sets:
A1. Weighted Plank x 20-30 sec
A2. Side Bend x 10/side

Simply Complex - Week 1 of 12

This cycle peaks for competition or testing snatch and clean & jerk at the end of week 12.

The first 8 weeks use complexes in lift variations, pulls and squats to build strength and technique to support bigger competition lifts. The final 4 weeks is focused on preparing for maximal snatch and clean & jerk and relies on the competition lifts and power variation singles.
Volume: Moderate
Intensity: Moderate

Good For:
  • Competition prep
  • Strengthening pulling and squatting posture

Questions? Get answers here or post in comments.
Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Jerk Bnk + Jerk – 70% x 2+1 x 5
  • Push Press Bnk + Push Press – 70% x 3+2 x 4
3 sets:
A1. Press in Snatch x 10
A2. Box Jump x 5
A3. HLR x max

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Power clean + Hang Clean (knee) + Jerk (% of PC) – 75% x 2+1+1 x 5
  • Halting Clean Deadlift (upper thigh) + Clean Pull + Clean Pull from Power Position – 90% x 2+2+3 x 4
  • Parallel Front Squat + Front Squat – 70% x 2+2 x 4
3 sets:
A1. Weighted Side Plank x 20-30 sec
A2. Anti-Rotation Russian Twist x 10/side

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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Rest day

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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  • Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch – 70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1, 80% x 1+1 x 5
  • Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk – 70% x 1+1+1, 75% x 1+1+1, 80% x 1+1+1 x 5
  • Parallel Back Squat + Back Squat pause at parallel + Back Squat – 70% x 1+1+1, 75% x 1+1+1 x 3
3 sets:
A1. Ab rollout x max
A2. Weighted Sit-up x 10

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Snatch with No Jump + Snatch Balance – 60% x 2+2 x 5
  • Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat – 70% x 5+2 x 5
  • Back Squat Jump – 20% x 5 x 3
3 sets:
A1. Bent Row x 10
A2. Single-leg DB RDL x 10/side
A3. V-up x max

Questions? Get answers here or post in comments.
Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest day

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Louis Franco
September 26 2020

In the app, when a section says “for weight” with a trophy icon, does that mean take a daily max and then base the following percentages off of that?

No. That's just an app feature to enter the weight you used to compare with other lifters on the app.

Greg Everett
Jacob Cuevas
May 10 2021
Great Program!! Thank you!! I was able to PR in Front Squat and Clean and Jerk. Gained lots of confidence in lifts.
Grg Th
December 14 2021
Hi Team, I broke my spine trying to jerk my back squat 1RM, as the program suggested.

Kidding aside, wanted to let you know that it seems the excel program is using the BSq 1RM instead of the Jerk 1RM when prescribing weights for the first exercise of every Tuesday. Cheers!
Thanks - fixed.

Greg Everett
Jimmy Diesel
February 7 2022

There are several instances where the spreadsheet and online program have no % indicated for the first set of the exercise (and in cases with only one set, no % is listed). Does this mean the set (or exercise) is to be omitted, or was this a mistake? (Please refer to week 3 spreadsheet tab, as there are several instances for illustration). Thanks in advance!
There is no %, but it says RM, and there are instructions for subsequent %s that those %s are of that RM. So there can't be a prescribed % because you're working to a rep max that day,

Greg Everett
Elizabeth Brown
June 22 2023
Ive bought the program but it hasnt come through?
If you bought it here, you wil have access to all formats when logged into your account - either by viewing here, or from your member profile. If you're waiting for it to show up on the train heroic app, it won't - TH programs need to be purchased through TH.

Greg Everett
Pedro Braz
January 4 2024
Hello Greg

I´ve just purchased this program (3xweek) but when starting i´ve just noticed there are no % for any of the exercises...

Refer to 1st week session #1,2,3...

How can I proceed?

Thanks a lot!
I am looking at the web version of this program and the percentages are listed. Usually if there are none, then it is because you're working to a rep max or it is done by feel. Would you be able to email me what you're looking at so I can futher advise?

Alyssa Sulay
Pedro Braz
January 7 2024
Hello Alyssa

Thanks for the quick reply

All sorted now! I can now see in blue the percentages for each peace of workout!

Thanks a lot
Oh good! Thanks for letting me know!

Alyssa Sulay
Syahdiva Moezbar
February 15 2024
Hi, I bought the program through TrueHeroic app, just want to confirm if the workout states hang snatch + snatch (5 sets of 2 reps), do you mean it prescribes 1 HS + 1 S, 1 HS + 1 S? Or only 1 HS + S?

On the workout details it says 1 HS + S = 2 but just want to confirm. Thanks!

On any excercise, if you click into the individual exercise itself, it will give you more information on the rep sequence/number of reps per set. There will always be an explanation if it is a complex or multiple rep set! 

Catalyst Athletics