Exercise Library
Library  >  Trunk (Ab & Back)  >  GHD Sit-up + Russian Twist
GHD Sit-up + Russian Twist

With a weight in the hands in a glute-ham bench sit-up position, perform a series of sit-ups. As a starting point, the weight can be held in front of the chest, but its position can be changed to adjust difficulty.
After completing the sit-ups, fix a static position above horizontal and rotate the trunk from side to side. Difficulty can be increased by moving the weight farther away from the body or increasing the rotation speed.
Repeat multiple series of each exercise for each set, for example 5 sit-ups + 10 twists repeated 3 times.
This is a complex that addresses nearly every aspect of abdominal training—trunk and hip flexion, isometric trunk stabilization, and trunk rotation.
Perform at the end of a training session. Determine reps of each movement based on the desired emphasis and conditioning.

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