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Bird Dog

The bird dog is a simple exercise to improve control and stability of the hips, pelvis and spine.
Position yourself on hands and knees and keep your entire trunk tight with a neutral spine. Simultaneously lift and reach one arm up and forward and the opposite side leg up and backward.
Stretch both out horizontally, actively tightening the glutes and abs through the top, and avoiding lumbar hyperextension.
Resistance can be increased by hooking a band around the foot and holding in the opposite hand.
It’s a good practice to add an isometric hold of the final rep of each set for 5-10 seconds.
The bird dog strengthens the glutes and helps stabilize the hips and the entire trunk, in particular against rotation.
Bird dogs should generally be done for sets of 10-20 reps/side. They make a good addition to training warm-ups.

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