Hang On Legs
Training Programs  >  Hang On Legs

Hang On Legs

12 weeks   |   $29   |   Web, Text, Excel

This 12-week cycle will push leg strength with a range of squatting reps, and emphasize hang variations of the snatch and clean for building postural strength and better power. It will peak week 12 for max snatch and clean & jerk.

See the 3 day/week version on TrainHeroic here

Notes: Increase bold weight or reps if you feel good

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Back Squat – 60%x10x3
  • Clean Pull + Hang Clean (mid-thigh) + Power Jerk – 65%x1+3+1x2, 70%x1+3+1x3
  • Hang Clean Pull (below knee) – 80%x5x3
  • Weighted Plank - 15 sec on / 15 sec off x 3 min 
Hang on Legs – Week 1 of 12

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Hang Muscle Snatch (knee) – 30%x5x5
  • Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat – 65%x5+2x5
A1. Box Jump - 4 x 3
A2. Russian Twist - 4 x 15/side

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Back Squat – 70%x5x5
  • Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (mid-thigh) – 65%x1+3x2, 70%x1+3x3
  • Hang Snatch High-Pull (below knee) – 80%x5x3
  • Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Power Jerk – 65%x3x2, 70%x3x3
  • Press in Split (moderate weight by feel) – 3x10
A1. Single-Leg Good Morning (reps/leg) - 3 x 10/leg
A2. V-ups - 3 x max

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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Rest day

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Back Squat – 70%x3x8
  • Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (mid-thigh) – 65%x1+1x2, 70%x1+1x3
  • Power Clean + Hang Clean (mid-thigh) + Jerk – 65%x1+1+1x2, 70%x1+1+1x3
A1. Back Extension Hold - 3 x max
A2. Weighted Plank - 3 x 20-30 sec

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest day

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Rachel Wicker
July 14 2018
Does this program have block work in it?
Rachel - It does not have block work in it. 

Alyssa Sulay
Dennis Van Dijk
July 16 2018
Ive bought the 12 weeks program but i only see 3 weeks and nothing more is this correct ??
Dennis - if you download the spreadsheet, you will be able to see the whole program. 

Alyssa Sulay
Stefan Glover
July 16 2018
Is every complex based off of the weakest movement. So clean pull clean power jerk is of the power jerk?
No - any complex with clean and jerk in it is based on CJ; anything with just clean based on clean; anything with just jerk based on jerk.

Greg Everett
David Driggs
July 23 2018
Just started this program today (day 1) and had a rough time keeping my hook grip on the bar doing the clean pulls + hang cleans. Am I supposed to be dropping the bar after each rep and resetting at the hang position? Thanks.
David - Ideally, you do not want to drop it between the pull and the hang movement. What you can do to help out your grip would be to try taping you thumbs with some flexible tape. It is rough to start with, but with time it should start to feel better. 

Alyssa Sulay
Joseph Sousa
September 7 2018
Is the snatch grip push press overhead squat complex based off overhead squat or snatch push press numbers?
Joseph - It is based off you OHS.

Alyssa Sulay
Chris Vince
January 6 2019
Is the OHS based off from snatch grip btn Push press + OHS? or can it be based off the best snatch balance + OHS
Chris - it will be based off your best OHS.

Alyssa Sulay
Juha Lyly
February 7 2019
Are the pull + hang snatches and pull + hang cleans based off of snatch and clean or hang versions of the movements?
Juha - Base this off your snatch and clean.

Alyssa Sulay
Scott Anderson
July 19 2020
If only three days a week are feasible which days do you recommend?
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. But also read this.

Greg Everett
CJ Leisenfelder
March 4 2021
Would you recommend adding a transition week between the end of another program and the first week of this one? Or would week 1 of this program a sufficient transition?
Good idea to do an easier transition week. Just take week 1 and reduce by 10% and maybe cut a couple sets here and there to make it simple.

Greg Everett
Rafael Porto
March 18 2022
Are the % numbers of the one rep max or of the reps (eg: 30% of 1rm for 5 reps vs 30% of 5rm for 5 reps ?
%s are of 1RM unless otherwise specified, e.g. a back-off set after an RM will typically be a % of that RM, not current 1RM PR.

Greg Everett
Curtis Champion
April 23 2023
On weeks 4/8 when we work to a heavy single in the Back Squat, if we PR should we enter the new weight into the PR sheet so that we increase the weights for the next mini-cycle?

Greg Everett