Backs, Complax & Max
Training Programs  >  Backs, Complax & Max

Backs, Complax & Max

9 weeks   |   $29   |   Web, Text, Excel

9 weeks of snatch and clean & jerk complexes leading into a peak for max snatch and clean & jerk, with a focus on strengthening the back and the pull.

Nice and simple cycle with moderate volume and high (although flexible) intensity, and all accessory work prescribed to work on stability.

Notes: %s following an RM are of that day's RM, not your lifetime best.

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below knee) – 70%x1+2x5
  • Hang Snatch Pull (below knee) – 80%x5, 85%x4, 90%x3x3
  • Pause Back Squat – 70%x5x3
  • Weighted Planks - 3 x 20-30 sec
Week 1 of 9

9 weeks of snatch and clean & jerk complexes leading into a peak for max snatch and clean & jerk, with a focus on strengthening the back and the pull. Nice and simple cycle with moderate volume but high (although flexible) intensity and all accessory work prescribed to work on stability.


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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Snatch with no jump, no contact – 60%x2x6
  • Snatch Push Press + Pause Overhead Squat – 65%x5+2x5
  • Single-Leg DB RDL (reps/leg, moderate weight) – 3x10
  • Russian Twists - 3 x 30-40

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Clean Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) – 70%x1+2x5
  • Hang Clean Pull (below knee) – 80%x5, 85%x4, 90%x3x3
  • Parallel Back Squat – 65%x5x3
  • Weighted Back Extensions – 3x10

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Push Press + Push Jerk + Jerk (% of jerk) – 65%x1+1+1x5
  • Power Clean – 70%x3x5
  • Step-up (below knee height, reps/leg) – 3x10
  • Weighted Planks - 3 x 20-30 sec

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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Rest day

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Segment Snatch (1" / 3 sec pause) – 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1x3
  • Segment Clean (1" / 3 sec pause) + Jerk – 70%x1+1, 75%x1+1, 80%x1+1x3
  • Front Squat – 70%x5, 75%x4, 80%x3x3
A1. SLDL (% of Back Squat) – 45%x5x3
A2. Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest day

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Doan Vinh
May 11 2018
Question regarding the pulls in the program. For clean pulls for example. Is the % based on 1rm clean pull or 1rm of clean.
Doan - The % is based off you 1RM clean. 

Alyssa Sulay
Eugenio Santagata
August 10 2018
Are there videos specifically related to the programs or do I have to check on Youtube sistematically for every movement? Also, i used to had a membership with train heroic, which I cancelled time ago. Now when i click on it to track the catalyst program it does not let me usebhe app, it does not load the calendar. The other app suggested does not support my program. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks BR
We have a full exercise library here on the site. Regarding Train Heroic, that is completely unrelated to this website - if you want to use a program in Train Heroic, you need to purchase it through Train Heroic.

Greg Everett
Eugenio Santagata
August 10 2018
Are there videos specifically related to the program or do I have to check on Youtube sistematically for every movement? Also, i used to have a membership with train heroic, which I cancelled time ago. Now when i click on it to track the catalyst program it does not let me use the app, it does not load the calendar. The other app suggested does not support my program. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks BR
Eugenio - You can search for videos on our exercise library here. As far as the apps go, to gain access you would have to contact trainHeroic directly. But otherwise you can access the programs and download them directly from out site.

Alyssa Sulay
Michelle Benes
February 18 2019
Couple questions! I also do Crossfit. This program is exactly what I’m looking for so when I go to class, should I just do accessory work + wod and avoid similar work in this program or should I do both? Also, I had a minor injury last week and took a week off of all activity, I had only done the first 3 workouts of the program. Should I just start over or pick up where I left off? Thank you!!
Hi Michelle - the program will be most effectiv if done on it's own. Thant being said, I would recommend avoiding similar work in the program. And I would suggest starting the program over rather than picking up where you left off.

Alyssa Sulay
Grace Nunberg
April 7 2019
I did your starter program and the videos helped a lot. If I buy your program does it fine with videos ?
Grace - I am not sure I completely understand your question. Are you referring to the exercise library?

Alyssa Sulay
Kristian Herr
July 16 2019
Quick question. So lifts that start with a RM Like for example Monday week 2, I’m just supposed to guess what my 5rm is try to hit that then do the drop sets or do I do multiple
Sets of trying to work up to a 5rm?
Kristian - you want to work up to a 5RM, then do your back offs based off of what you get for the rep max.

Alyssa Sulay
Daniel Fung
September 28 2019
Hi, what’s the HS mean?
Daniel - HS means Heavy single. You can find more information on the terminology here.

Alyssa Sulay
Voula Karavias
March 20 2020
Hi hope all is well with thieve testing times
What’s Sldl mean thanks
Voula - SLDL = stiff legged deadlift

Alyssa Sulay
Charles Ponticello
February 21 2021
In a couple weeks I’m going to finish this program. I’ve added a few kilos to both lifts, but I can tell that my technique is the thing holding me back, especially in the snatch catch. I’m looking for a recommendation for my next cycle to get my technique where it needs to be.
Please read this to help select what's best for you.

Greg Everett