A Various Variety of Variations
Training Programs  >  A Various Variety of Variations

A Various Variety of Variations

9 weeks   |   $25   |   Web, Text, Excel

This 9-week cycle uses different competition and strength lifts with each exposure for the first 6 weeks, and then focuses on heavy single competition lifts for the final weeks to prepare for competition or max snatch and clean & jerk testing.

The first phase uses a lot of maximal effort work, but is limited to 2-week burdening periods to make it more tolerable. Contains plenty of accessory work.

Good For: Lifters who have been stuck and need some radical change

Notes: Percentages following an RM or HS are of that max.

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Concentric Power Jerk – 3RM, 90%x3, 95%x3
  • Back Squat with 15-20kg of chains – 10RM, 90%x10, 90%xMax reps
  • Bulgarian Split Squat (reps/leg, moderate wt) – 3x10
  • Box Jump – 3x5
A1. Snatch Press - 3 x 15
A2. Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max

A Various Variety of Variations Week 1 of 9
This 9-week cycle uses different competition and strength lifts with each exposure for the first 6 weeks, and then focuses on heavy single competition lifts for the final weeks to prepare for competition or max snatch and clean & jerk testing. The first phase uses a lot of maximal effort work, but is limited to 2-week burdening periods to make it more tolerable. Contains plenty of accessory work.

Volume: Moderate-High
Intensity: High

Percentages following an RM or HS are of that max set.

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Hang Power Clean (knee) + Hang Clean (knee) + Clean – RMx1+1+1, 90%x1+1+1, 95%x1+1+1
  • Floating Clean Deadlift – 5RM, 90%x5x2
  • Good Morning (moderate weight) – 3x10
A1. Farmer Walk - 50m x 3
A2. Weighted Plank - 3 x 20-30 sec

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Push Press + Power Jerk + Jerk - RMx1+2+3, 90%x1+2+3, 95%x1+2+3
  • Safety Bar Squat – 6RM, 90%x6, 90%xMax Reps
  • Back Squat Jump (% of BS) – 20%x5x4
  • Turkish Get-up - 3 x 5/side

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Snatch from Power Position – 3RM, 90%x3, 95%x3
  • Sumo Deadlift – 8RM, 90%x8x2
  • Single-Leg Deadlift (reps/leg, moderate weight) – 3x6
  • Back Extension with DB row – 3x15
A1. Snatch Grip Upright Row - 3 x15
A2. Bent Row - 3 x 10
A3. V-Up - 3 x max

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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Rest day

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Snatch - on the minute – 70%x1x3, 73%x1x3, 76%x1x3, HS
  • Clean & Jerk - on the minute – 70%x1+1x3, 73%x1+1x3, 76%x1+1x3, HS
  • Pin Front Squat (parallel) – 6RM, 90%x6, 90xMax Reps
  • Jerk Recovery – 3RM
  • Ab Wheel - 3 x max

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest day

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Stetson Carlile
April 10 2018
Hi, I have a question about my snatch. When I come in contact with the bar, I’m hitting my pubic bone and causing a lot of pain. I’m 6’5” and can’t go any wider on my grip, my pinkies are brushing the collar of the barbell. Any tips on getting that bar higher above my pubic bone?
Couple things to try -

One, make sure you're not initiating your second pull too early, i.e. opening the hips. Try to stay over longer and wait to open up until the bar is higher on your thigh (mid-thigh or so).

Two, shrug up and back a bit during the second pull - that will raise the bar without your having to bend your arms.

You can read this article about arm bend - not exactly your problem but it addresses a few things that may be pertinent.

Greg Everett
ROii Zaragoza
August 7 2018
Hi for the back squats with chains I don’t have chains what can I do
If you do not have chains, you can do the back squats without them.

Alyssa Sulay
Jake Humphrey
June 27 2019
on something Like the 3rm snatch from power position, would that be from the hang or blocks
Jake - Here is a video of the Snatch from Power Position.

Alyssa Sulay
Luke Potter
March 31 2021
This may be a dumb question, but what kind of weight shoudl be used for W1D1 Snatch Press?
Hard to say because it will vary greatly among athletes based on mobility and strength - anything from an empty bar to 60+ kg. Feel out a weight that's moderately challenging but always allows smooth reps, i.e. no grinding.

Greg Everett