Strength & Speed
Training Programs  >  Strength & Speed

Strength & Speed

8 weeks   |   $29   |   Web, Text, Excel

This is an 8-week cycle that will peak for competition or max snatch and clean & jerk testing. It uses heavy complexes, pulls and squats in the first phase mixed with light speed work, and the second phases uses heavy single competition lifts with speed work and on the minute lifts. Includes all accessory work.

Notes: Use maximal concentric speed on all squats and pulls, especially on the light weights

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Snatch Pull + Snatch + Overhead Squat – RM 1+1+1, 90%x1+1+1x2
  • Snatch Segment Deadlift on Riser (mid-shin) + Snatch Deadlift on Riser – RM 2+2, 90%x2+2x2
  • Pause Back Squat – 5RM, 90%x5, 90%x Max Reps
  • Weighted Planks - 3 x 20-30sec 
For back off sets, use % of RM

Strength & Speed Cycle – Week 1 of 8
This is an 8-week cycle that will peak for competition or max snatch and clean & jerk testing. It uses heavy complexes, pulls and squats in the first phase mixed with light speed work, and the second phases uses heavy single competition lifts with speed work and on the minute lifts. Includes all accessory work.
  • Use maximal concentric speed on all squats and pulls, especially on the light weights

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Hang Power Clean (knee) (% of clean) – 60%x2x10
  • Clean High-Pull – 70%x3x5
A1. Pull-ups - 3 x 10
A2. 1-Arm DB Row - 3 x 15/arm
A3. Walking Lunge - 3 x 12/leg

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Clean + Front Squat + Jerk - RM1+1+1, 90%x1+1+1x2
  • Clean Pull on Riser – 90%x3, 95%x3, 100%x3x3
  • Front Squat – 3RM, 90%x3, 90%xMax Reps
  • Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max
For back off sets, use % of RM

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Power Jerk (% of split jerk) – 60%x2x10
  • Push Press – 5RM, 90%x5, 90%xMax Reps
A1. DB Press - 3x10
A2. BB Upright Row - 3x15
A3. Box Jump - 3x5

For back off sets, use % of RM

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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Rest day

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Hang Power Snatch (knee) (% of snatch) – 60%x2x10
  • Snatch High-Pull – 70%x3x5
  • Back Squat – 60%x2x10
  • Weighted Planks - 3 x 20-30sec

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest day

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Jonathan Holmes
April 21 2018
Does this program call for use of blocks?
Jonathan - Yes, there are a couple of weeks where there will be some pulls from the blocks.

Alyssa Sulay
Kevin Wong
July 2 2018
Pause at mid shin then extend to full for two? + two regular on riser? Am I reading that correctly?
Kevin - You will pause at mid shin for for the first two reps. After the 2 second pause, you will then fully extend, then you will do two snatch DL on the riser for an additional two reps. If it is written as 2+2, If it is writtin as 1+1 however, you will do 1 segment DL, followed by 1 Deadlift. 

Alyssa Sulay
Kasumba Semei
August 15 2018
Thanks guys
David Fife
February 27 2021
What does RM 1+1+1 or RM 2+2 mean?
It means you're working to a max for that rep scheme. If you're not sure what those rep RXes mean, read this.

Greg Everett