Trim the Fat
Training Programs  >  Trim the Fat

Trim the Fat

8 weeks   |   $29   |   Web, Text, Excel

This is a relatively low-volume but focused training cycle. It will allow for some modification and additions based on your training needs primarily on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Good For:
  • Lifters who need relatively low volume
  • Lifters who want to combine this program with additional training like CrossFit

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Power Clean + Hang Clean (knee) + Power Jerk + Clean + Jerk Dip + Jerk – 60% x 1+1+1+1+2+1, 70% x 1+1+1+1+2+1 x 4
  • Segment Clean Pull (1") % of Clean – 80%x2, 90%x2x3
  • Back Squat – 70%x2, 70%x4, 70%x6, 70%x2, 70%x4, 70%x6, 70%x2, 70%x4, 70%x6
  • Weighted Planks - 3 x 30sec
Trim the Fat - Week 1 of 8

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Muscle Snatch (% of snatch) – 35%x5, 40%x5x3
  • Drop Snatch (% of snatch) – 50%x3, 55%x3, 60%x3x3
A1. Chin-ups - 3 x max
A2. Bent Row - 3 x 10
A3. Weighted Sit-ups - 3 x 8-12

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Push Press + Power Jerk + Jerk (% of jerk) – 50% x 3+2+1, 60% x 3+2+1, 65% x 3+2+1 x 3
  • Press (sub max ascending weight by feel) – 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1
A1. Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max
A2. Db Lateral Flyes - 3x 10-15

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Snatch Pull + Snatch with no Jump + Snatch + Overhead Squat – 60% x 1+1+1+2, 70% x 1+1+1+2 x 4
  • Snatch High-Pull % of snatch – 70%x5x4
  • Front Squat – 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2x4
A1. Weighted Back Extensions - 3x10
A2. GHD Sit-up holds - 3 x 30 sec

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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Rest day

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Segment Snatch + Snatch + Snatch Balance – RM 1+1+1
  • Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Dip + Jerk – RM 1+1+2+1
  • Pin Back Squat (parallel) – 50%x3x4
  • Jack Knife - 3 x max

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest Day

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Ana Savolainen
June 1 2017
I am almost finished with this program and I really liked it a lot because it has allowed me to continue my conditioning with CrossFit. The issue I am having is shoulder pain with overhead movements, especially with the snatch. I had an MRI and it revealed an impingement of my rotator cuff tendon. My question is, are there other exercises I can substitute for the snatch, jerk, and press until I heal? I want to buy my next program, but I need to be able to modify the movements that are causing pain. Any recommendations?
For snatches, you can substitute pulls, high pulls or variations; for jerks, you can do dip squats, dips, drives, drop to split, walk to split, etc. based on what you need to work on.

Greg Everett
Josh Nix
February 28 2018
Looks like a fun program. Thanks Greg!
Sonora Venables
March 26 2020
What does RM stand for? I.e. RM-1+1+1
Sonora - RM = Rep Max

Alyssa Sulay
Erina Charette
January 13 2021
Week 2 jumping back squat 3@80%??? Is this an error??
Jumping squat - not back squat jump. About 1/4 squat depth taken (and returned) to jerk blocks or power rack pins.

Greg Everett
Erina Charette
January 13 2021
Otherwise love the program :) but this would break my knees unless I’m not sure what the movement is. I checked your library