12-Week Basic Cycle
12 weeks | $29 | Web, Text, Excel
This is a 12 week cycle with plenty of squatting, pulling and pressing strength work for the first several weeks. This is a good cycle for fairly well-balanced lifters. The volume and intensity are moderate, so this cycle is good for newer lifters or those who cannot tolerate a lot of volume and intensity.
"Finished up the 12 week basic cycle after about 15 months off from Crossfit with lifetime PRs of +25lb snatch, +35lb clean & jerk plus PRs in, well, everything from strict press to deadlift." -Jeremy J.
"I have just completed your 12 week basic cycle and have improved my competition results from 85/115 in Dec to 93/118 in Apr and 90/121 in June with misses at 95/125." -Paul T.
"Snatch went from 93 to 105, CJ from 116 to 123." - Andrew N.
"Snatch went from 75 lbs to 143 lbs Clean and Jerk went from around 165 lbs to 212 lbs. Also front and back squat has really improved. I highly recommend this to the beginner lifter." - Josh M.
"Lifts went from 60/70kg to SOLID 75/95kg at my second meet, and possibly good for more. Back squat from 110 to 125kg. Great programming, really helped me strengthen all the different portions of my pulls and definitely helped my overhead strength. Clear and concise, well-balanced cycle." - Patrick S.
Good For:
- Lower volume & intensity tolerance
- Less experienced lifters
- Combining with CrossFit
- This is a relatively "light" training cycle - use it if you don't recover well from more intense, higher volume programs
- The cycle is good for beginning and intermediate lifters, BUT you may have to adjust the weights, as your 1RMs are likely inaccurate. If certain lifts feel too easy, increase the weight.
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How do you feel about doing Saturday's workout Friday and resting all weekend?
Steve Pan
Greg Everett
Hope you can help me.
Greetings from Mexico!!
Steve Pan
What would you recommend?
As maintaining the other movements you can add a few of those as supplementary exercises in lieu of the conditioning work that is put on Tuesday/Thursday but I would try not to go too crazy on this stuff in terms of a "WOD" and possibly use the time to make sure the movements are strong and correct.
Steve Pan
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
I am a shift worker on 4 days on 4 days off rotation. I will only be able to do 4 days of training on my day's off. This will leave me with 4 days of rest time. On the 5th day of training it calls for rest. Could I just start my training on my first day off from work and not take the rest day the program calls for.
Could I apply this through out the 12 week program?
Steve Pan
Can i do the (mid-thigh) block clean or snatch as hang?
For example:
Pick up the bar as a dead lift and then go to mid-thigh and snatch it or clean it and repeat from ground again.
Or is this counter productive and i should not continue with the program?
Steve Pan
What's the protocol for failed lifts as far as progress the subsequent week? Currently at day 17 only and had trouble w the last set of front squats on the 3rd rep. Thanks for all y'all do!
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
I finished 12 week basic and snatch went from 93 to 105, CJ from 116 to 123.
Thank you for the help.
Steve Pan
Snatch - 55%x3, 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1, HS
I should goto 80% if its easy? or the 75% means hs ?
Steve Pan
Steve Pan
Alyssa Sulay
On Tuesdays and Thursdays in this program, I see supplemental work. Is this meant to be optional conditioning work similar to your other programs or mandatory extra work?
Thanks for the help!
Alyssa Sulay
What does HS means?
Alyssa Sulay
Greg Everett
Started with the starter program and now I am busy with the 12 weeks basic cycle. In only about two months since the Eleiko course and training with the Catalyst Athletics programs, my snatch went from 47 kg to 72 kg and my c&j from 80 kg to 100 kg!!
Thank you guys so much for the awesome programming and all the motivational articels and videos!
Alyssa Sulay
Just bought the program and really excited to get started. It says I can find via app, but I am not able to see it on TrainHeroics. Could you help me out?
One other thing, the spreadsheet version of the program does not included supplementary work such as rows, sit-ups etc. Is there a way to make this happen?
Thanks and best,
Alyssa Sulay
Power Clean + Clean - 60%x (1+2) x 2, 65%x (1+2)
Means 2 set of 1 PSN and 2 Snatches @60%
Clean Pull - 85%x5x4 would be 5 sets of 4 reps
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Greg Everett
Snatch - HS; (85% (of HS) x 1, 90% x 1, 95% x 1) x 2. Does that mean work to a HS and then complete 6 sets after the HS at 85, 90, 95, 85, 90, 95? Secondly, is it in that order or is it 85, 85, 90, 90, 95, 95?
Greg Everett
Guessing that means a split jerk and a power jerk?
Catalyst Athletics