Classic / Position Cycle
Training Programs  >  Classic / Position Cycle

Classic / Position Cycle

11 weeks   |   $25   |   Web, Text, Excel

This cycle focuses on classic lift performance with an emphasis on position, posture and pulling strength. Most weights are determined by feel rather than being prescribed. This is a good cycle if you need to establish or re-learn better lifting positions.

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2 overhead squats - 4 sets
  • Power snatch + OHS + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom) - 5 sets
  • Push press + jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split) - 5 sets
  • Jerk dip squat - 5 x 3
3 sets; no rest:
A1. Weighted back extension x 10
A2. Weighted planks - front/side x 10 sec hold

Week 1 of 11

Weights this week should be a challenge, but definitely not maximal for any of the sets. Jerk dip squat should be around 80-100% of your best jerk. Position must be perfect.

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 overhead squat + 2 Sots press
  • Snatch segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + snatch pull - (1+1) x 3 x 4 sets
  • Snatch - 60% x 3 x 5
  • Snatch push press + OHS - 5 x 3+1
3 sets; no rest:
A1. Bent row x 5
A2. Jack knife x 15

Notes: If jack knives (bent knees) are too easy for you, upgrade to V-ups (straight knees).

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Warm-up series - 2 push press + 2 jerk behind neck + 2 press behind neck in split position - 3 sets
  • Power clean + front squat + clean + jerk (5 sec pause in split) - 5 sets
  • Hang snatch high-pull, flat-footed - 4 x 4
  • Front squat - 75% x 4 x 4
3 sets; no rest:
A1. Back extension (5 sec pause in top) x max reps
A2. Standing plate twists - 10/side

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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  • Warm-up series - 2 clean long pull + 2 front squat + 2 clean Sots press x 4 sets
  • Clean segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + clean pull - (1+1) x 3 x 4 sets
  • Clean & jerk - 60% x 3 + 1 x 5
  • Snatch balance - 5 x 3
3 sets; no rest:
A1. Seated good morning x 5
A2. GHD reverse crunch x max

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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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Rest Day

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Your choice of warm-up series x 4 sets
  • Snatch - after 60%, take singles up in 3-5% increments until you reach the heaviest good lift for the day
  • Clean & jerk - same as snatch
  • Pause back squat (3 sec pause) - 75% x 3 x 3
  • Back squat - 75% of your pause squat weight x 5 x 3
4 sets; no rest:
A1. Stiff-legged deadlift x 5
A2. Weighted planks - front/side - 10 sec hold

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Rest Day

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Jeremiah Corrigan
November 21 2020
Would this be a good program to run after the starter program? My technique is the limiting factor rather than my strength as I came to weightlifting from powerlifting. Main weaknesses I have noticed are speed pulling under, keeping bar close in 2nd/3rd pull, lack of aggressive turnover, and overhead strength.

Or would there be a better program? Perhaps one of the other classic cycles but with exercises changed for weaknesses if needed?

Yes this should be a good one.

Greg Everett
Gill Nitzan
November 30 2020
I really enjoyed this program.
It was my first full weightlifting program. A private coach was with me the whole time.
I am really happy for the progress I have done.

What would you recommend for my next program?
I can't tell you what's best. Select a program that suits your needs - you can use the filter to find programs that emphasize various things and control for volume/intensity/duration as needed.

Greg Everett
Enrique Bougeois
October 22 2021
Good afternoon. I hope all is well. Wondering if I should wear lifting shoes for all barbell exercises, to include squats and accessory exercises?
Yes. See this article.

Greg Everett
Enrique Bougeois
October 25 2021
Thank you sir.
Zack Raines
January 20 2022
How do I load this program into Train Heroic?
You don't - if you want a program on TH, you have to buy it on TH. This one isn't available on TH.

Greg Everett
Nicole Molokwu
July 5 2022
Is this program compatible with a standard 9-6 job? With regards to fatigue and mental exhausting.
Varies among individuals - a lot more factors than just the program and hours of work.

Greg Everett