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Library  >  Accessory - Lower/Whole Body  >  Glute-Ham Bridge Walkout
Glute-Ham Bridge Walkout
AKA Glute-Ham Walkout

Lie on your back and bend the knees to bring the feet flat on the floor close to the glutes. Push the heels through the floor and keep the abs tight to lift the hips as high as possible, focusing on pushing the hips up by contracting the glutes.
Maintaining this hip extension, slowly walk the heels away from the body until you reach a hamstring bridge position, then walk back to the full glute bridge.
The glute-ham bridge walkout is a simple way to strengthen the glutes and hamstrings and improve hip stability and control. It can also be part of a progression back from hamstring injury.
Glute-ham bridge walkouts can be done at the end of a training session with trunk and accessory work in 3-5 sets of 3-6 reps, and weight can be added with a barbell or dumbbell across the hips. Unloaded walkouts can also be used in a warm-up.