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FLE Split Squat
AKA FFE Split Squat

The FLE (Front Leg Elevated) split squat is a variation that allows full knee and hip range of motion in a split squat, and greater emphasis on the quads.
Place the front foot on a low box, block or stack of plates. It doesn’t need to be very high—just enough to allow you to bend the front knee completely without the back knee hitting the floor.
Squat as deep as you can without resting the back knee on the floor, then stand again by pushing up through the front foot.
The FLE split squat can be done with more of a forward shift onto the front leg to move the knee dramatically in front of the toes to maximize quad emphasis, or with more centered motion down and a less dramatic front shin angle.
The FLE split squat is a good choice for unilateral leg work when focus on the quads over hamstrings and glutes is needed.
2-5 sets of of 8-15 reps is typical.
Loading can be added with a barbell on the back or front rack, dumbbells or kettlebells at arms’ length or on the shoulders, and nearly any other weighted implement and position. Slow eccentrics may be used for rehab applications.