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Library  >  Accessory - Lower/Whole Body  >  Single-Leg Bench-Supported Glute Bridge
Single-Leg Bench-Supported Glute Bridge
AKA Single-Leg Hip Thrust

Position your upper back on a padded bench, box or similar with one leg bent and foot flat on the floor and the other extended straight forward.
Keeping the other leg straight and your abs tight, push through the floor with the whole foot but a preference for the heel and extend your hip maximally, bringing the straight leg up alongside the thigh of the bent leg and keeping the hips squared off facing the ceiling. Consciously focus on active glute contraction and tight abs to ensure the motion is at the hip and not excessive lumbar extension. Return to the floor under control.
It’s a good practice to hold the final rep of each set at the top for a few seconds. Resistance can be added by holding a dumbbell or similar in the lap.
The single-leg bench-supported weighted glute bridge is a way to overload hip extension with a focus on the glutes and minimal loading on the back, and to focus on stability around the hip.
Single-leg bench-supported glute bridges can be done at the end of a training session with trunk and accessory work in 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps. Generally loading is limited, so reps cannot be significantly lower. They can also be done unweighted or light as part of pre-training preparation.

The single-leg bench-supported glute bridge can be done without allowing the hips to touch the floor between reps to maintain continuous tension.