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Library  >  Trunk (Ab & Back)  >  Pallof Press In Split
Pallof Press In Split

Attach a band to a rack a little below shoulder height and stand at its side with the loose end of the band held in both hands at the chest. Stand far enough away that there is tension on the band, and step into your jerk split position.
Keeping your trunk braced and not allowing any part of your body to move except the arms, slowly press your hands straight forward from your chest until the arms are straight. As your arms straighten, the band will pull more, forcing you to resist the rotation to maintain your position. Repeat for reps or perform an isometric hold.
Be sure to switch legs and directions of pull to train all aspects equally.
The Pallof press in split trains anti-rotation trunk stability and stability of the lower body in the split position.   
The Pallof press in split can be done with other trunk and accessory work at the end of a training session. Perform 3-5 sets of 10-20 reps, or isometric holds of 20-30 seconds.