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Clean Stick High-Pull

The clean stick high-pull is a way to enforce a specific bar height in a clean high-pull, either to prevent overloading, or laziness.
Place a PVC pipe or similar in a squat rack perpendicular to the barbell and at the lifter’s side so the pipe is above the sleeve of one end of the bar. Use mini-bands or similar to loosely connect the pipe to the rack so that it can move slightly but won’t be knocked out when it’s hit. Position the pipe so the bar will barely move it when pulled to the prescribed height.
Perform a clean high-pull, ensuring the bar touches the pipe at the top.
The clean stick high-pull is a way to enforce a specific bar height in a clean high-pull. It helps control weights for athletes who may exceed what should be used, or enforces a more aggressive and complete pull for those who may get lazy or inconsistent.
Sets of 2-3 reps from 70-85% of the lifter’s best clean are typical, but this will vary greatly depending on the desired height and the lifter’s strengths.

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