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Pause Quarter Back Squat Jump

The quarter back squat jump is an exercise that trains explosiveness for the squat, the jerk, and the pulls of the snatch and clean. The elimination of a stretch-shortening reflex by pausing in the countermovement emphasizes rate of force development more.
Position as you would for a back squat and brace the trunk forcefully. Squat to quarter depth or approximately the depth of a countermovement you’d use for a vertical jump and pause for 2-3 seconds. After the pause, drive directly up with maximal effort to jump as high as possible.
Absorb the weight as you land by bending the legs and hips smoothly.
Reps can be performed continuously, or by resetting at the top before each rep. Focus on maintaining balance over the whole foot so you’re not moving forward or backward as you jump.
Weight should generally be from 20-50% of best back squat. In any case, don’t exceed loading that allows a legitimate jump to maximize power.
Be careful of maintaining proper posture and balance—it will be natural to shift and jump forward. Each jump should be a maximal effort.
The pause quarter back squat jump trains explosiveness in the legs that will transfer to lift speed, power and even strength. Heavier weights can be used than in the back squat jump.
Weight should generally be from 20-50% of best back squat. In any case, don’t exceed loading that allows a legitimate jump to maximize power.

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