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Library  >  Trunk (Ab & Back)  >  Standing Plate Twist
Standing Plate Twist
AKA Standing plate rotation, standing rotation, standing twist

Stand with the feet about shoulder width apart and hold a plate in both hands with the elbows at the sides and forearms horizontal. Rotate at the trunk powerfully to one side, keeping the feet planted solidly on the floor. Stop and change directions quickly as you reach the end of the rotation to twist to the other side. The movement should be quick, powerful and continuous from side to side.
Note that the speed of the movement is important for its effectiveness—without any speed, there is virtually no resistance or work done. Quick acceleration and braking are what demands the muscles to work hard enough.
The standing plate twist trains rotational strength and stamina for general trunk stability.  
The standing plate twist should be performed for sets of 10-30+ and will generally be more of a stamina exercise with higher reps.
The standing twist can be performed with nearly any weighted implement. Most commonly a barbell can be held in the back squat position—use caution when doing this variation for the first time because the length of the barbell creates a great deal of momentum and the speed of the movement will be slower than with a plate.

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