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Glute-Ham Raise

The glute-ham raise develops strength and potentially stamina primarily in the hamstrings, and secondarily in the glutes and lower back, and allows a lot of variation to adjust difficulty and emphasis.
Fix the ankles in a glute-ham bench adjusted to place the fulcrum or pad on the thighs so the hip can hinge freely. Hinge at the hip with straight knees to hang the trunk down. Extend the hip to bring the trunk up, then bend the knees to bring the trunk and thighs approximately vertical. Return to the bottom under relative control to maintain tension.
Generating momentum with the initial and easier hip extension to help you through the more difficult knee flexion is the simplest way to reduce difficulty when unable to perform strict reps, or to extend sets to higher rep ranges. This can be combined with slow eccentrics to progress to strict reps.
The hamstrings can be nearly isolated by eliminating the initial hip flexion and extension. Start and end with the entire body horizontal, and perform only knee flexion and extension. Keep in mind this is no longer a glute-ham raise because the glutes’ function in the exercise is hip extension.
The glute-ham raise back improves hamstring, glute and back strength and/or stamina depending on the repetition range and resistance used. Generally the hamstrings will be the weakest part of the chain, so they will receive the bulk of the training stimulus.
Glute-ham raises can be performed in sets of 5-20 or more, with the lower rep range better for strength and the higher range better for stamina or hypertrophy. Perform at the end of a workout after all primary exercises are done. 
The speed of the movement can be changed—slow eccentrics or a lot of speed initially to generate more momentum to reduce intensity. Weight can be added by holding an implement behind the neck or against the chest, or using an elastic band over the back of the neck. Back extension can be added as well by beginning with the back relaxed rather than already extended. Finally, the upper back can be held in a rounded position to further emphasize hamstring contraction.

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