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Depth Drop

The depth drop is a partial plyometric exercise and the base of the depth jump used to develop the ability to productively absorb force and prepare for elastic rebound.
Stand at the front edge of a box or bench. Step off to drop and land on the balls of both feet together, letting the heels meet the floor and absorbing the force with a bend of the knees and hips but arresting the downward motion as quickly as possible.
Land in the position you want to focus on strengthening—squat, pulling or jerk drive stance and posture.
Introduce this exercise very conservatively with a low box—12-16 inches—and low volume—2-3 sets of 3-5 reps. The exercise is much more taxing on the body than it appears. Increase height and volume gradually as tolerated.

The depth drop develops the ability of the legs to absorb force safely and productively while maintaining the desired position and balance. This is useful for the jerk dip and drive, and receiving cleans in particular. It’s also the base of the depth jump exercise and can be used to condition athletes for future depth jump training.
Depth drops are far more taxing on the body than they may appear, so be conservative with volume and frequency. Introduce with a low box—12-16 inches—and low volume—2-3 sets of 3-5 reps. Increase height and volume gradually as tolerated to 20-28 inches for 4 sets of 10 reps at the most. Perform depth drops at the end of a workout after primary

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