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Back Squat Jump

The back squat jump is an exercise that trains explosiveness for the squat, the jerk, and the pulls of the snatch and clean.
Perform a back squat, holding the bar tightly against your body to prevent it from moving.
Immediately change directions in the bottom and drive up as aggressively as possible into a maximal vertical jump. Be careful of maintaining proper posture and balance to jump vertically—it will be natural to shift and jump forward.
Subsequent reps can be performed without pausing by absorbing the jump by immediately squatting down into the next rep, or you can reset before each rep if needed to ensure proper balance and position.
The back squat jump trains explosiveness in the legs that will transfer to lift speed, power and even strength. It can be used in a similar fashion to box jumps, but the full range of motion transfers better to squat recovery and also focuses on the explosiveness of the upward drive more than the elasticity of a countermovement.
Sets of 3-5 reps with weights of about 20-30% of the lifter’s best back squat are usually appropriate. The weight should be such that a legitimate jump is possible. Perform at the end of a workout after primary exercises or immediately after squats.

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