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Library  >  Jerk Exercises  >  Press
AKA Overhead Press, Shoulder Press, Military Press

The press is the most basic pressing and overhead strength exercise in Olympic weightlifting. It was formerly a contested lift but was dropped from competition after the 1972 Olympics.
Hold the bar in your jerk-width grip unless you jerk with an unusually wide grip—in that case, hold the bar about half a fist to a fist-width outside the shoulders. Ideally begin in an actual jerk rack position, but only if you’re able to do so with a full grip on the bar and relatively low elbows. Otherwise hold as necessary to keep the bar in contact at the shoulders to ensure full range of motion.
Pressurize and brace the trunk. Push the bar aggressively off the shoulders, pulling your head back out of the way so you can move the bar in as direct a line as possible slightly backward into the overhead position. Spread the elbows out to move them under the bar as you press. As the bar passes it, push your head forward through your arms to establish a strong overhead lockout with the bar over the base of the neck.
Reverse the motion to return the bar to the shoulders. Subsequent reps can be performed without establishing a full jerk rack position each time, but the more you’re focused on building strength in the lowest range off the shoulders, the more of a pause you need to use at the bottom of each rep.
As it’s no longer a competition lift, there is no reason to train the press with a dramatic backward lean. In fact, that technique is counterproductive to the press’s modern role as a supporting exercise for the jerk. Maintain the posture you will have when moving down under a jerk—leaned back only enough to allow the bar to move directly into the overhead position.
The press is a simple overhead pressing strength exercise that can be used to support the jerk, and to teach and train proper upper body mechanics for the push under the jerk.
Sets of 1-10 reps can be used depending on the timing and the specific need. 6-10 reps will help more with hypertrophy and some strength; 3-5 reps will be generally the most effective for strength work and some hypertrophy and the most common; 1-2 reps will usually be used for testing maximum lifts but will also improve strength. For use teaching and reinforcing proper upper body mechanics for the jerk, light weights should be used for 3-5 reps, each of which should begin from a dead stop and the full jerk rack position.
The press can be performed from behind the neck, with pauses at the bottom of each rep or touch and go, and with a slow eccentric for strength and/or hypertrophy.

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