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Block Halting Snatch Deadlift

The block halting snatch deadlift is identical to the halting snatch deadlift with the exception of starting on blocks instead of the floor.
Ensure the starting position on the blocks is identical to the position you’d be in at that point when pulling from the floor. Perform a snatch deadlift to the designated height (usually mid to upper-thigh), keeping the shoulders in front of the bar, and the weight balanced evenly over the whole foot. If you’re not having to fight to keep the bar from swinging forward away from your legs, your shoulders are not in front of the bar.
Hold this position for 2-3 seconds before returning the bar to the blocks—you’ll never stand completely at the top.
The halting snatch deadlift strengthens the ability of the lifter to stay over the bar longer in the pull, strengthens the ability to keep the bar close to the body when the shoulders are in front of it, and reinforces proper balance. Lifting from the blocks is usually done to reduce loading on the back and legs to minimize systemic fatigue while focusing on the most important part of the lift, or to avoid a range of motion that aggravates current pain or injury.
Generally the block halting snatch deadlift should be done for 2-6 reps per set with a 2-3 second pause and anywhere from 70%-100% of the lifter’s best snatch depending on the lifter and how it fits into the program. Loading will be significantly less than a lifter is capable of managing with a block snatch deadlift. In any case, the weight should not exceed what the lifter can do with proper positioning or it is failing to achieve the intended purpose. As a heavy strength exercise, it should normally be placed toward the end of a workout but before squats.

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