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Dip Muscle Clean

Standing tall in your clean pulling stance with equal balance over the whole foot, bend the knees only with the trunk vertical just as you would for a jerk dip, keeping the bar hanging in long arms and against the body, then immediately push vertically with the legs through the whole foot.
Extend the entire body close to vertically rather than leaning the trunk farther back as you would in a clean. Keep the legs tight and pushing into the floor as you pull the elbows up and out to maintain as much bar speed as possible, shrugging up and back as you do.
Keeping the legs extended, spin the elbows around the bar and bring it smoothly into the rack position. The goal is to deliver it directly into a secure position without any need for adjustment.
The only difference between a dip muscle clean and a muscle clean from power position is that there is a pause in the dip of the muscle clean from power position.
The muscle clean is helpful at lighter weights to learn and reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover (third pull) of the clean—in particular, it’s useful for learning how to deliver the bar precisely and smoothly into the rack position for lifters who have a tendency to allow the bar to crash on them. The dip variation helps emphasize vertical leg drive through the finish of the pull, and helps improve bar contact and proximity in the clean.
The dip muscle clean can be performed early in a training session as a technique primer, or as a training exercise. It can also be performed at the end of a training session as accessory work. Use 3-5 reps per set generally.

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