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Library  >  Trunk (Ab & Back)  >  Anti-Rotation Landmine
Anti-Rotation Landmine

If you don’t have a landmine base, you can stuff a towel on the floor in a corner and place the end of a barbell in it as the base.
With weight on the free end, grip the sleeve of the barbell in front of the plate and stand with feet about shoulder width and the end of the bar at chest height.
From this mid-point, extend the arms partly and move the end of the barbell as far to one side as possible with minimal trunk rotation. The shoulders and upper back will rotate slightly—focus on locking the pelvis and lower trunk in to remain facing forward while you bring the end of the bar from one side to the other.
The anti-rotation landmine develops strength and stability to maintain trunk position in the presence of rotational forces. It’s a good addition to the more common exercises that address anti-flexion, anti-rotation, and anti-lateral flexion to establish more complete trunk stability and control.
The anti-rotation landmine should generally be done at the end of training sessions. Sets of 5-15 reps in each direction are recommended.
The anti-rotation landmine can be done with different speeds—slower speed will force longer time under tension, while faster speed will demand resistance against greater force to stop the weight at the end of the range of motion on each side. It can be done standing, kneeling or in a split stance.

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