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Straight-Arm Bent Row

Straight-Arm Bent Row
AKA Snatch-grip straight-arm bent row, clean-grip straight-arm bent row

The straight-arm bent row is a back and shoulder exercise that can be used specifically to strengthen the ability to maintain bar-body proximity in the pull and generally for variety in strength accessory work.
Grip the bar in a snatch or clean grip while in your pulling stance. Bend the knees slightly and hinge at the hips to bring your trunk near horizontal, maintaining the same back arch you would use in the pull of the snatch or clean. Under control, allow the bar to move forward until it hangs straight down under your shoulders. Use your back and shoulders, without moving the trunk, to bring the bar back against your hips or upper thighs (depending on grip) and try to squeeze in the final position for a second before beginning the next rep.
The straight-arm bent row is a back and shoulder exercise that can be used specifically to strengthen the ability to maintain bar-body proximity in the pull and generally for variety in strength accessory work to target the upper back and rear shoulders.
Perform sets of 5-15 reps with weights that allow you to control the movement and perform it without cheating motion of the trunk or inadvertently bringing the trunk more upright. If heavy weights are desired, exercises like halting deadlifts are more appropriate.
The speed of the movement can be changed—using a slow eccentric motion in particular can improve the strengthening effect without having to use heavier weights that prevent you from maintaining the correct position.

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