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Straight-Legged Deadlift

Stand in your snatch or clean pulling stance with a clean grip on the bar. Keeping the legs tight with the knees completely straight, hinge at the hip and allow the back to round to bring the bar as far down the legs as possible as if stretching yourself down.
Unless you’re extremely inflexible, you’ll need to stand on an elevated surface to allow the plates to move low enough. Keep them from touching the floor so you have to remain tight and control the change of direction at the bottom.
Reverse the motion to a fully standing position. There should never be any pain or discomfort in the back.
This is NOT the same exercise as a stiff-legged deadlift or RDL—it has no knee bend at any point, and the back rounds. The straight-legged deadlift is often avoided because of the fear of back injury. It should not be used by athletes with existing back problems, and used only by athletes with good hip flexibility. Introduce the exercise in very small doses and with very light weights. When performed and used appropriately, it will actually be protective of the back.
The straight-legged deadlift strengthens the back with dynamic work rather than the isometric work typically done in weightlifting, and builds strength to protect against injury in cases of poorly-executed lifts. It can also be used for some variety and mobility.
Sets of 5-10 reps are most common. Weights should be relatively light and never heavy enough to force the athlete to noticeably strain. There should never be any pain or discomfort in the back.
The straight-legged deadlift can be done with a snatch grip. It can also be done without lifting straps for more grip strength work.

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