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Block Power Snatch

The primary purpose of block lifts is forcing a more aggressive and complete finish of the pull and a quicker turnover. Most commonly the lift is done with the bar starting at knee height, but it can be positioned at any level to address whatever technical or performance needs desired. Higher blocks will emphasize power and aggression more, and lower blocks can be used to train problem ranges like navigating the knees properly and maintaining posture.
Start in the same position you would be in during a power snatch with the bar at that height, and even balance over the whole foot. Pressurize and brace the trunk, then initiate the lift by pushing with the legs through the floor, keeping approximately the same back angle until above the knees. Continue aggressively pushing against the floor with the legs and extend the hips violently, keeping the bar as close to the body as possible and ensuring full contact with the hips.  
Once you’ve extended the body completely to maximally accelerate the bar with the lower body, pull the elbows up and out to begin moving your body down, and lift and move your feet into your receiving stance as you squat partially under the bar. Continue actively bringing the bar into the overhead position to lock it out, and brake hard with the legs to stop the squat as quickly as possible to ensure you remain above a parallel squat.
The block power snatch will force the lifter to accelerate the bar more rapidly because of the limited distance available to accelerate, and because it’s beginning from a dead stop with no prior stretch or tensioning of the lifting muscles as would occur from a hang position. This means it can be a good choice for training speed and rate of force development. The naturally limited weight also means it can serve as a good exercise for lighter training days, especially during periods when squatting is very heavy and the demand on the legs and back needs to be reduced.
The block power snatch is appropriate for lighter training days as a secondary exercise, or in addition to heavier snatch training. The power receiving position and higher starting position reduce the possible intensity, meaning that even if performed maximally, the exercise will have less of an effect on the athlete’s systemic fatigue and recovery. Use 1-3 reps per set.

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